In 2008, Pacific Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors and donor partners authored the Coombs Declaration, which recognizes that by lifting the financial capability in the region, economic performance would be improved and there would be substantial social and financial benefits for individuals and families. A Working Party was formed under the auspices of IMF/PFTAC that would address the issue of financial capability across Pacific communities while ensuring that ownership remained firmly with each country. In 2009, the Working Party rebranded itself to the Money Pacific Working Group to facilitate its advocacy role. A set of four regional goals were also developed to guide national level actions and to monitor progress. These goals were endorsed by the Forum Economic Ministers’ Meeting (FEMM) and South Pacific Central Bank Governors in 2009. The Money Pacific Group reports annually to FEMM. The Group is currently comprised of central banks from Solomon Islands, Tonga and New Zealand, Young Enterprise Trust of New Zealand, Coombs Institute, New Zealand Ministry of Pacific Islands Affairs, NZAid and PFIP. Website: